Table of Contents

GTAMap - Collaborative Documentation & Mapping of Alternatives


The GTAMap project seeks to create a decentralized free open source software digital tool used for collaborative documentation and mapping and of AlternativesAre activities and initiatives, concepts, worldviews, or action proposals by collectives, groups, organizations, communities, or social movements challenging and replacing the dominant system that perpetuates inequality, exploitation, and unsustainabiity. In the GTA we focus primarily on what we call "radical or transformative alternatives", which we define as initiatives that are attempting to break with the dominant system and take paths towards direct and radical forms of political and economic democracy, localised self-reliance, social justice and equity, cultural and knowledge diversity, and ecological resilience. Their locus is neither the State nor the capitalist economy. They are advancing in the process of dismantling most forms of hierarchies, assuming the principles of sufficiency, autonomy, non-violence, justice and equality, solidarity, and the caring of life and the Earth. They do this in an integral way, not limited to a single aspect of life. Although such initiatives may have some kind of link with capitalist markets and the State, they prioritize their autonomy to avoid significant dependency on them and tend to reduce, as much as possible, any relationship with them.. This includes experiences, practices, organizations and processes. There are different objectives and outcomes of this initiative:

  1. Provide a collaborative documentation mapping open source software tool, firstly implemented in GTAGlobal Tapestry of Alternatives communication context (to document Endorsers, Cases/Stories and other collections/datasets within GTA). This already exist as a BETA version. The implementation is called AltMap and is available in the this link;
  2. in an advanced stage, the “tapestry” will be visible in a common space formed by the different Weaver's maps, enabling to navigate and share across all of them, but maintaining the proposed decentralized topology;
  3. collaborate with Endorsers to create adapted versions of GTAMap, allowing specific uses and thematic documentation/maps, strengthening the relation of GTA with them in specific co-created projects (i.e. dictionary project);
  4. be able to exchange specific open data and information with other alternative mapping efforts beyond GTA ecosystem, participating in the ongoing interoperability efforts taking place in the open mapping virtual communities;
  5. in a general sense, the main objective is to enrich and improve the quality of the documented and collected knowledge about the alternatives, implementing quantitative (i.e, semantic data values that allow dynamic visualizations and comparisons) and qualitative features (i.e. multimedia, audiovisual, transmedia capabilities) using a commons-based peer production of knowledge model.

Descentralization and sync concept of multiple plataforms

Current Status and upcoming plans

2024's milestones

2025's milestones

Development roadmap

Concept and design

The GTAMap main characteristics include:

Mockup main interface screens

It applies the following main general P2P open design principles1):

In a more advanced stage this platform would be assume a distributed approach, allowing the creation of autonomous platforms for each network that is part of the TapestryThe weaving of networks of Alternatives. Each of the weavers/networks will have its onw version adapted to its own identity/need but will have the ability to interoperate and exchange information with the others through the GTA meta-network. This will allow:

At the first implementation level and user experience aspects, the main features will include:

Tech Details


Part time team formed by:

this is inspired by previous efforts such as P2P Collab