The presentation of the philosophy and work of “Beautiful Resistance” as a beautiful and creative, non-armed way to build peace within individuals to be peace builders and active change makers within their own community and the world.
The presentation would focus on the individual, the philosophy, the context and education with applied work on the ground.
Dr. Abdelfattah Abusrour will present himself and his background, and how the concept and philosophy of Beautiful Resistance was born and what it means, and how performing and visual arts, culture are important to be used in education as important means of self-expression to be truthful and build peace within individuals and as changemakers.
Dr. Abdelfattah Abusrour will later on lead a training workshop with few questions that groups can share with each other and come back with a presentation about their discussion to the other groups.
An open discussion with open questions to respond to the audience questions and elaborate on some of the points that needs more clarification if needed.
Date: Tuesday, 21st March of 2023
Time: 13:00 (UTC/GMT)
Duration: 90 minutes
Paper and pencils/colored crayons/pens for writing - painting /drawing materials. (not mandatory)
Founding Director, Alrowwad Cultural and Arts Society
Aida Refugee Camp, Bethlehem
Dr. Abdelfattah Abusrour is an author, actor, and theatre director, with a PhD in Biological and Medical Engineering from France. He abandoned his career in Biology because he believed in the power of arts and culture as pure humanity where stereotypes vanish, and people are on equal grounds. Alrowwad has been able to build bridges, create exchanges and co-produce artistic works and performances with international groups, touring shows in Europe, the UK and the USA as well as Palestine.
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