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The Global Tapestry of Alternatives seeks to build bridges between networks of Alternatives around the globe and promote the creation of new processes of confluence. More information »

GTAGlobal Tapestry of Alternatives Global TapestryThe weaving of networks of Alternatives of AlternativesAre activities and initiatives, concepts, worldviews, or action proposals by collectives, groups, organizations, communities, or social movements challenging and replacing the dominant system that perpetuates inequality, exploitation, and unsustainabiity. In the GTA we focus primarily on what we call "radical or transformative alternatives", which we define as initiatives that are attempting to break with the dominant system and take paths towards direct and radical forms of political and economic democracy, localised self-reliance, social justice and equity, cultural and knowledge diversity, and ecological resilience. Their locus is neither the State nor the capitalist economy. They are advancing in the process of dismantling most forms of hierarchies, assuming the principles of sufficiency, autonomy, non-violence, justice and equality, solidarity, and the caring of life and the Earth. They do this in an integral way, not limited to a single aspect of life. Although such initiatives may have some kind of link with capitalist markets and the State, they prioritize their autonomy to avoid significant dependency on them and tend to reduce, as much as possible, any relationship with them. WeaversThey are local, regional, or national networks or organizations that connects or consists of multiple Alternatives on different themes/spheres, in an inter-sectorial way. A global network cannot be a Waever, neither a thematic one. It should be a collective process of some kind, rather than only a single individual or single organization. By being a "weaver", they are committed to participate in the GTA, developing ways of dialogue, interconnection, collaboration and solidarity with other Weavers. GTA promotes the interconnection of the Weavers, identifying [[:weavers:criteria|a series common criteria for the weaving of Alternatives]]. Examples: Vikalp Sangam and Crianza Mutua.



GTA is a “network of networks”. Each of those networks acts in different parts of the planet by identifying and connecting Alternatives. They are the Weavers.



Many progressive, post-developent and anticapitalist organizations around the world endorse this initiative. Also many academics, activists and referents do so.



Our mission is complex and ambitious. Our journey is long-winded. Learn how we are achieving it, step by step, in our open and dynamic roadmap.

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Recent updates

WEAVING ALTERNATIVES #15: A periodical of the Global Tapestry of Alternatives

Dialogues on Radical Democracy and Autonomy: Voices from Latin America

Dialogues on Radical Democracy and Autonomy: Voices from Africa

Resources and activities

Webinars collections

Since 2020 the GTA organize regular webinars among different topics and series. They are available in video, audio and text format. Access our webinar series »


This section contains all the original publication by the GTA and their members. Access our publications »

Periodical "Weaving Alternatives"

Three-month periodical with updates from the Weavers, EndorsersThey are organizations, collectives or thematic networks that publicly expresses its support to the GTA process and it's approved by it. Examples: [[endorsements:index|Full list of current Endorsers]] and GTA' Facilitation Team Access our Periodical »

Events & gatherings

GTA is usually presented in many conferences and gatherings around the world. Here we present the documentation of each of them. Know about the events & gatherings »

Reports collections

A series of thematic collections of reports about specific grassroots experiences and radical alternatives in practice Download and read our reports »

Other resources