
Table of Contents


Upcoming events

De-colonizing our bodies: experiences and practices for reclaiming our whole body sovereignty | 21st February 2025

How has modernity shaped the way we perceive, inhabit, and relate to our physical bodies? What does it mean to “reclaim whole body sovereignty”? How do we free not only our minds, but also the body from the shackles of coloniality and extractivism? How do we unroot the old myth of separation and domination from the sacred soil of our physical sanctuaries? And how might we begin to see our bodies as living systems - extensions of our Earthly home, interwoven with the fabric of life?

Join us for an (un)learning journey guided by Wangũi wa Kamonji. Together, we’ll dive deep into questions of decolonization, healing, and how to restore wholeness with(in) the sacred vessel that carries our story.

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Past events

GTAGlobal Tapestry of Alternatives is usually presented in many conferences and gatherings around the world. Here we present a resume and report of each participation.

How I Became a Tree: A Conversation with Sumana Roy - More than Human Series Episode 3 | 27th January 2025

In this conversation with our moderator Shrishtee Bajpai, celebrated author Sumana Roy talked about her experience and share meditations in writing, especially how trees, plants and the rest of nature are reflected within the many genres she traverses in her work. The title of this episode is taken from her award-winning non-fiction book 'How I Became a Tree', which features “stunning meditations on forests, plant life, time, self, and the exhaustion of being human evoke the spacious, relaxed rhythms of the trees themselves.”

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Dialogues on Radical Democracy and Autonomy - Session #3: Voices from Africa | 21st January 2025

The third session in this series had the presence, voices and perspectives of some communities from Africa, in particular Amadiba Crisis Committee (South Africa) and Makoko community (Nigeria):

Nonhle Mbuthuma, from the Mpondo people from the Amadiba administrative area of Mpondoland; Betty Abah, a Nigerian journalist, author, and a women and children's rights activist; and Leboo Nkapilil, member of the Ogiek and indigenous community in Kenya. This session was moderated by Eliana N'Zualo.

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Earthy Governance and Inter-Species Justice (Organised in conjunction with Teachers Against Climate Change) | 16th January 2025

This event on Earthy Governance and Inter-Species Justice took place as a presentation by Shrishtee Bajpai and Ashish Kothari, in conversation with Vandana Singh.

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Dialogues on Radical Democracy and Autonomy - Session #2: Voices from Latin America | 16th December 2024

This second dialogue, with voices of participants from processes and communities from different parts of Latin America, included the participation of the following people:

Isabel Trochez Hurtado from the Misak Community; Sol Angel Murillo, a Member of the Process of Black Communities in Colombia (PCN); Atencio Lopez, Member of the Kuna people; Edgar Alberto Velasco Tumiña, Farmer, Poet and Secretary of the Indigenous Authorities Movement of Southwestern Colombia (AISO); Francisco García López, President of the Commissariat of the Commons of Capulálpam de Méndez, a community in Oaxaca, Mexico; and Ildefonso Sánchez Velázquez (kuxamba), indigenous and comunero. This session was moderated by Xochitl Levya Solano.

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Gifts from the Sentient Forest: A Conversation with Åsa Andersson Martti, Francis Joy and John C. Ryan - More than Human Series Episode 3 | 6th December 2024

In the third episode of our More than Human webinar series, Åsa Andersson Martti, Francis Joy and John C. Ryan told us about the different ways of communicating with the forests, speaking from the Sámi tribe's traditions and Indigenous knowledges, as well as from scientific perspectives of forest intelligence, memory and sentience.

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Dialogues on Radical Democracy and Autonomy - Session #1: Voices from Asia | 17th November 2024

The first episode in the series “Dialogues on Radical Democracy and Autonomy”, this session featured three speakers, two from the Kurdish movement and one from India:

Nourshan Hussein, from the Civil Diplomacy Center; Steira Abdo, representing Kongra Star; and Hishey Lachungpa, a river activist and part of Dzumsa village assembly. This session was moderated by Ashish Kothari.

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Water as a Living Entity: A Conversation with Juana Vera Delgado - More than Human Series Episode 2 | 15th October 2024

In the second episode of our More than Human webinar series, Juana Vera Delgado, tells us about the rediscovery of her water-based identity made during her PhD journey. As a descendant of the Wari culture, she could understand why water was and is seen as a feminine creator divinity of Life on the earth. This belief to see water as a living entity persists in many communities, especially in the Andes and the Amazon, and forms the basis of the political, social and religious resistance to colonial imposition.

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Webinar on The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism: Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions | 26th September 2024

Join us to analyze the different facets of green colonialism and the commoditization of environmental politics, but also to explore the urgent need for global justice and ecosocial transitions, highlighting grassroots movements and alternative visions that challenge green colonialism and offer pathways toward a truly equitable and ecological futures.

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More than Human: Creative Expressions Episode 1 | 29th August 2024

In this first episode of the series on creative expressions featuring the more-than-human and people connecting to other species and the rest of nature in spiritual, artistic, and visceral ways, we will be in conversation with Alyen Foning, a Shaman from the Lepcha community in India. She resides in her ancestral home, Kalimpong -the Lepcha community, with its sacred mountains and rivers, at the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas.

Through her storytelling we journey through longing, loss and disconnection. Finding our way forward through remembrance we delve into our origins, shamanism and our deep connection and interdependence to nature.

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A dialogue between the World Assembly of Struggles and the Global Tapestry of Alternatives on Radical Democracy | 22th August 2024

Climate Change Fiction: The Future of Climate fiction from South Asia | 11/06/2024

In this last episode of the ongoing webinar series on climate fiction, we considered The Future of Climate Fiction from South Asia.

New work on the planetary climate crisis continues to appear. In the concluding fifth episode, we hear from the author of a collection of climate themed stories, Biopeculiar, Gigi Ganguly. Next, Navin Weeraratne speaks about his own writing as well as trends in Sri Lankan climate fiction. To round off the discussion, SF scholar Atanu Bhattacharya explores contemporary directions in Bangla climate fiction.

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Encounter in Defense of Life: weaving territories of Crianza Mutua in Mexico with Colombia | 23 to 27 May 2024

From May 23 to 27 will be held the meeting organized by Crianza Mutua Mexico, under the theme “Meeting in Defense of Life, weaving territories of the North, Central and Southeast”. Collectives, groups, activists and academics seeking new paths for the care of life and the defense of territory will gather in a face-to-face meeting in Ejido Jalpa, Municipality of General Cepeda, Coahuila, as part of its annual Cabalgata del Agua Nuestra Hermana (Our Sister Water Ride). These processes, coming from different regions of Mexico and Colombia, will meet with the objective of sharing their daily lives, organizational experiences, popular education, resistance and struggle in defense of their land, water, soil, landscape, animals, plants and culture.

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Climate Change Fiction: A Conversation with Amitav Ghosh | 11/05/2024

Our last three sessions have discussed climate change fiction’s speculative capacities, examined imaginative responses to the alienation between humans and nature through these areas of speculative fiction, and discussed the anthology Ecoceanic: Southern Flows in this context.

In this session, Ashish Kothari of Kalpavriksh and the Global TapestryThe weaving of networks of Alternatives of AlternativesAre activities and initiatives, concepts, worldviews, or action proposals by collectives, groups, organizations, communities, or social movements challenging and replacing the dominant system that perpetuates inequality, exploitation, and unsustainabiity. In the GTA we focus primarily on what we call "radical or transformative alternatives", which we define as initiatives that are attempting to break with the dominant system and take paths towards direct and radical forms of political and economic democracy, localised self-reliance, social justice and equity, cultural and knowledge diversity, and ecological resilience. Their locus is neither the State nor the capitalist economy. They are advancing in the process of dismantling most forms of hierarchies, assuming the principles of sufficiency, autonomy, non-violence, justice and equality, solidarity, and the caring of life and the Earth. They do this in an integral way, not limited to a single aspect of life. Although such initiatives may have some kind of link with capitalist markets and the State, they prioritize their autonomy to avoid significant dependency on them and tend to reduce, as much as possible, any relationship with them. will be conversing with Amitav Ghosh, celebrated author, about issues such as the range and scope of climate fiction, and its potential for influencing actual action on the climate crisis.

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Marine ecosystems and climate fiction from South Asia - Episode 3 | 06/04/2024

Accelerated anthropogenic climate change poses a serious existential threat to dwellers in the marine world, besides the fisherfolk and inhabitants of coastal areas. The melting of land ice in Antarctica and Greenland, leading to rise of ocean levels, besides the deleterious effects of acidification on marine ecosystems, may soon reach a tipping point if adequate mitigation is not undertaken soon.

In this episode, writers and activists from South Asia shared their creative responses to this ongoing crisis, which may eventually lead to biosphere collapse if such trends are not reversed.

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Antecedents to climate change fiction: Utopian and speculative narratives from South Asia - Episode 2 | 28/02/2024

In this session, we focussed on conceptual and narrative antecedents to contemporary climate change fiction in the region. The focus was thus on the archive of imaginative responses to the alienation of humans from nature in the wake of the introduction of the colonial and post colonial development paradigms.

Utopian, visionary and speculative narratives from South Asia have sought to engage with consequent environmental degradation and the ecological crisis in different ways. The panelists tracked the possibility of critique and sought to trace the genealogies for the recent turn to climate change fiction in South Asia.

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World Social Forum 2024 - Kathmandu, Nepal 15/02/2024 - 19/02/2024

Climate Change Fiction: The South Asia Experience - Episode 1 | 17/01/2024

The climate crisis is the greatest existential threat humanity faces today. The need for a radical societal transformation in the interests of social justice and ecological sustainability has never been greater. But where can we turn to find systemic alternatives?

In this interaction between authors, scholars and activists, we hope to critically explore the reasons for South Asia being foregrounded as a zone for climate catastrophe in recent Western cli-fi (Kim Stanley Robinson, Ministry of the Future, Stephen Markley, The Deluge), as well as discover more about the extent to which this sub-genre has found roots in this region.

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Just Transformations: Grassroots Struggles for Alternative Futures | 12/12/2023

The climate crisis is the greatest existential threat humanity faces today. The need for a radical societal transformation in the interests of social justice and ecological sustainability has never been greater. But where can we turn to find systemic alternatives?

Come join us in learning more about the results of the ACKnowl_EJ (Academic and Activist Co-produced Knowledge of Environmental Justice) Project, which has been compiled into the book “Just Transformations: Grassroots Struggles for Alternative Futures”.

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Global Scholars Dialogue with the University of Rojava | 24/10/2023

Join us for an exchange on the achievements of the autonomous region of northeast Syria (Rojava) in building a democratic society based on gender equality and communal coexistence and against Turkey’s attacks in the region. With the participation of several GTA's members.

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2-part Webinar Series by Travellers’ University | 29/09/2023, 06/10/2023

Come join us in exploring Travel as a Pedagogy through the Travellers’ University initiative, wherein travel is used as a learning tool by encouraging travellers to investigate the relationships that exist between themselves, the systems they are connected to and part of, and the rest of nature. We are hosting two webinars in this series: ‘The Pedagogy of Travel’, and ‘Pursuit of Alivelihoods and the 52 Parindey Fellowship’.

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Planet Local | 29/09/2023, 01/10/2023

Drawing on Local Futures networking and movement building over four decades, the three-day Summit will be our biggest, boldest and most international event yet. It will bring together leading minds and activists grappling with our planet's most pressing challenges. The Planet Local Summit will serve as the centrepiece of a widespread celebration of the active localisation networks in Bristol (UK) and surrounds. There will be farm open days, local business tours, markets, film screenings and more. The GTA will be present in various activities.

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9th International Degrowth Conference in Zagreb, Croatia - 29/08/2023 to 02/09/2023

Zagreb is a city whose local government is headed by former degrowth conference speakers. By connecting degrowth’s international audience with the realities of a semi-peripheral capital developing new justice and sustainability pathways, the degrowth movement has broadened its scope and affirm its position in the everyday lives of European citizens. The GTA was present in various sessions of the conference.

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We, - Nosotrxs- Crossing Worlds and Galaxies - 13/06/2023

The diversity of women and the -others- that we are, remind us of the existence of the pluriverse, that is, the multiplicity of worlds that coexist in the world. The pluriverse makes us see that–contrary to what cis-hereto-patriarchal modernity led us to believe– the world is made up of many gender-sex diversities, worldviews, many worlds and galaxies, as expressed by the Zapatista grammar and struggle. It is from this alter, anti, pluri, and trans* diversity that we invite you to listen to our situated and emotional reflections on what happens to us when we cross borders, bridge spaces, and weave tapestries as women on the verge, racialized, trans* lesbofeminists, academics, mothers, activists or defenders of Mother Earth in these times of civilizational collapse.

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Global South Delegation on Energy Transition Visits European Capitals - 30/05/2023 to 01/06/2023

A delegation of Global South scholars and activists are launching a lobbying and advocacy tour of European capitals to discuss the urgent issue of an ecosocial energy transition. The seven participants are following up on a global manifesto (English/Spanish) published this year decrying a new Green colonialism and urging more equitable approaches to achieving a fossil-free future.

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"Learning from a Pluriverse of Radical Alternatives" in Re-Imagining Education Conference 2023 - 27/04/2023

Thousands of grounded initiatives across the world are demonstrating pathways out of the multiple crises we are in - ecological, economic, social. What can we learn from their historical, practical and theoretical contributions? How can they be interconnected to enable macro-change, and what sustainable, equitable futures can we envision based on them? This presentation provides glimpses of answers to these questions, with examples from across the globe.

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Towards a Post-Extractive Culture: a gathering of souls dreaming and building post-extractive cultures - 23/02/2023 to 25/02/2023

Towards a Post-Extractive Culture is an experimental event that explores new approaches and alternatives that will help us to escape the extractivist ‘trap’ of the modern, colonial, heteropatriarchal, capitalist paradigm. A three-day gathering (two days held at the Stedelijk Museum and the third at OT301) featuring workshops, thinking-feeling storms, assemblies, and ritual performances.

This gathering is co-created by Disobedient Futures (formerly known as Fossil Free Culture NL), the Post-Extractive Futures collective, Global Tapestry of Alternatives, Weaving Realities, Gira Zapatista Holanda and entre-ríos.

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"BEAUTIFUL RESISTANCE" A Creative way to build peace within - 21/03/2023

The presentation of the philosophy and work of “Beautiful Resistance” as a beautiful and creative, non-armed way to build peace within individuals to be peace builders and active change makers within their own community and the world.

The presentation would focus on the individual, the philosophy, the context and Education with applied work on the ground.Dr Abusrour will present himself and his background, and how the concept and philosophy of Beautiful Resistance was born and what it means, and how performing and visual arts, culture are important to be used in education as important means of self-expression to be truthful and build peace within individuals and as changemakers.

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Manifesto for an Ecosocial Energy Transition from the Peoples of the South - 10/02/2023

Together with the Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South, we'll be launching a new manifesto this Friday, February 10 at 9 am (EST). The “Manifesto for an Ecosocial Energy Transition from the Peoples of the South” is the work of groups and individuals from across the Global South.

Organizational endorsers of the manifesto include the Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South, Greenpeace, Focus on the Global South, War on Want, Global Justice Now, Third World Network, WoMin, Peoples Response Network, Health of Mother Earth Foundation, Global Tapestry of Alternatives, Censat Agua Viva - Amigos de la Tierra Colombia, Espacioenoff, Extinction Rebellion Medellín, Seminario permanente Re-Evolución de la Salud, Grupo Socioambiental Lotos, ACTRICES ARGENTINAS, Friends of the Earth Malaysia, and Consumers Association of Penang.

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Dialogue of Weavers: MASSA and Vikalp Sangam India

Dialogue between GTA weavers in India and South East Asia. A dialogue to approach each other in diversity and to weave and inspire each other.

A Global Tapestry of Alternatives is about creating spaces of collaboration and exchange among the WeaversThey are local, regional, or national networks or organizations that connects or consists of multiple Alternatives on different themes/spheres, in an inter-sectorial way. A global network cannot be a Waever, neither a thematic one. It should be a collective process of some kind, rather than only a single individual or single organization. By being a "weaver", they are committed to participate in the GTA, developing ways of dialogue, interconnection, collaboration and solidarity with other Weavers. GTA promotes the interconnection of the Weavers, identifying [[:weavers:criteria|a series common criteria for the weaving of Alternatives]]. Examples: Vikalp Sangam and Crianza Mutua., in order to learn about and from each other, critically but constructively challenge each other, offer active solidarity to each other whenever needed, interweave the initiatives in common actions, and give them visibility to inspire other people to create their own initiatives.

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Strategies Beyond Borders: Tales of Time Banks- 27/01/2023

This interactive session will engage participants in a presentation, experiential activity and discussion about the social/economic/political organizing format often referred to as “time banking”. The purpose of this is to recognize that everyone has contributions to make and needs to fulfill. As opposed to the capitalist model of competition, extraction and exploitation, these projects draw on the strength of community to affirm the worth and value of each individual. In this session, students who have participated in “mini” time banks in classroom settings will share what they thought of this idea before and after experiencing it in practice. In small groups, attendees will have the opportunity to consider what they have to “offer” and what they “need”.

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Beyond Money - 24/05/2022 & 30/05/2022

Is it possible to imagine a world without money? Anitra Nelson, in her recent book, “Beyond Money: A Post Capitalist Strategy”, not only envisions that world but also gives it concrete shape, laying the ideological foundation of a post-money society based on real, non-monetary, social and ecological values that define a new order committed to fulfilling people’s basic needs. If money is the lynchpin of the contemporary capitalist order then it is imperative that an alternative to that world is imagined and crafted outside the constraints of money. In a two part series of webinars, Anitra Nelson is joined by David Barkin, a Mexican economist, and Meenakshi Gupta, an Indian social entrepreneur to discuss how money could be replaced as the organizing principle of society allowing the fabrication of a world without socio-economic inequality and crippling environmental stresses.

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GEN In Conversation: Communities of Care - 26/04/2022

On Tuesday 26th April 2022 at 16:00 BST, Global Environments Network will host a discussion about what it means to build communities of care. The featured panelists are individuals who are working to revive, build or maintain their own communities, both virtually and in-person, in close and more dispersed contexts. We invite you to join us for a thoughtful discussion, moderated by Nessie Reid. Please come prepared with questions, ideas and reflections!

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Alternative Approaches to Crises Resilience - 06/12/2021

A cross-continental conversation between Prof Miriam Lang and environmentalist Ashish Kothari on alternative approaches to address the current multidimensional (not only environmental) crisis. These experts discuss some fundamental questions of our time, by comparing and collating the Latin American and South Asian experiences.

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Dialogue of Weavers: Crianza Mutua México, Vikalp Sangam India, Crianza Mutua Colombia - 04/12/2021

Dialogue between GTA weavers in India, Colombia and Mexico. A first dialogue to approach each other in diversity and to weave and inspire each other.

A Global Tapestry of Alternatives is about creating spaces of collaboration and exchange among the Weavers, in order to learn about and from each other, critically but constructively challenge each other, offer active solidarity to each other whenever needed, interweave the initiatives in common actions, and give them visibility to inspire other people to create their own initiatives.

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COP26: Report back and Ways Forward - 03/12/2021

The Southern Peoples’ Action on COP26 is organizing a report-back session featuring its convening and allied organizations who have participated in the ground and online battlegrounds of COP26 at Glasgow and beyond.

As the dust has settled after the conclusion of the COP26 climate talks, the global public now has a clearer picture of the outcomes of the Glasgow Climate Pact, which has been universally acknowledged as a ‘compromise deal’ that tries to keep the hope of a 1.5C warming limit alive but is faced with enormous challenges.

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From Grassroots Resistance towards Revolutionary Reconstruction: Visions from the Ground of the World We Want to Creat - 09/11/2021

The Environment and Climate Justice Commission of the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS XXIX) - an anti-imperialist and democratic formation of people’s movements, organizations, along with its partner organizations and formations - the Global Tapstery of Alternatives - an initiative seeking to create solidarity networks and strategic alliances amongst all these alternatives on local, regional and global levels - and Adelante - a grouing of eight global networks for collective and solidarity action in the future - propose this side event with the main aim of gathering and promoting visions and demands of peoples from the grassroots of the world we want to create - one that is socially just, equitable, and environmentally sustainable.

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The BRICS are falling: The Rise and Fall of Authoritarian Populist States - 21/11/2021

The BRICS have fallen one by one. They have all capitulated to capitalism and given up on the promises of social democracy. The People’s Republic China has always been a dictatorship. The others have known their democratic phases, but more recently they have elected strongmen by majoritarian vote who put the rule of law under serious strain. Brasil and India are extreme examples, but there others on all continents that have gone down they same slippery slopes of populism, authoritarianism, and full blown fascism. This seminar wants to discuss particular cases, exchange experiences and strenghten democratic resistance from the bottom up.

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8th International Degrowth Conference: Caring Communities for Radical Change | 24/08/2021 - 28/08/2021

Weaving Systemic Alternatives from the Global South / 11/05/2021

A conversation with the Global Tapestry of Alternatives, presented by EDGE Founders Alliance.

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World Social Forum 2021 - Virtual edition

The GTA participated in the World Social Forum 2021, either as co-organizer or with the presence of some its core members in various sessions.

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The First North-South Conference on Degrowth (Mexico City, Mexico DF) / September 2018

Building upon the discussions at the Malmo degrowth conference, the session organized in the Decrecimiento-Degrowth Conference in Mexico City revolved around the eligibility criteria/principles of alternatives, the structure and mechanisms of the initiative and its values. The alternatives questioning patriarchy, capitalism, racism, the state, anthropocentrism and other inter-related structures of oppression would be eligible to be a part of the initiative. The structure should be open, democratic and flexible but have a logistical core team to help foster the process. The initiative should be based on mutual learning with respect for diversity, solidarity and mutual support and collective visioning. The session was also useful to gather the contact details of interested observers.

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6th International Degrowth Conference (Malmo, Sweden) / August 2018

Two sessions on the proposal for an Earth Vikalp Sangam (EVS) / Global Alternatives Confluence (GAC) were organised during the International Degrowth Conference in Malmo, Sweden. About 40 people attended each of these sessions, several of them representatives of various networks, diverse initiatives, groups, and social movements. The sessions had stimulating discussions on what is an alternative, need of the EVS/GAC process, underlying principles that could be/should be used, and a possible structure. The discussions very mostly open-ended and exploratory since it was just the beginning.

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