This webinar series is co-organised by Ecoversities, Educere Alliance, Global Tapestry of Alternatives, PeDAGoG, Radical Ecological Democracy, The Alternatives Project and Wellbeing Economy Alliance.
Come join us in exploring Travel as a Pedagogy through the Travellers’ University initiative, wherein travel is used as a learning tool by encouraging travellers to investigate the relationships that exist between themselves, the systems they are connected to and part of, and the rest of nature. We are hosting two webinars in this series: ‘The Pedagogy of Travel’, and ‘Pursuit of Alivelihoods and the 52 Parindey Fellowship’.
This interactive session will engage participants in a presentation, experiential activity and discussion about the social/economic/political organizing format often referred to as “time banking”. The purpose of this is to recognize that everyone has contributions to make and needs to fulfill. As opposed to the capitalist model of competition, extraction and exploitation, these projects draw on the strength of community to affirm the worth and value of each individual. In this session, students who have participated in “mini” time banks in classroom settings will share what they thought of this idea before and after experiencing it in practice. In small groups, attendees will have the opportunity to consider what they have to “offer” and what they “need”.
The course Living Utopias is oriented for anyone who believes that the current industry driven endless economic growth model which we term as Industrialism has collapsed or is in severe crisis and there is an urgent need for creating an alternative world in every sphere be it of ecology, economy, politics, culture , education and technology.
The Rivers of Meeting performance education project began by awakening sleeping cultural roots and human rights through Afro-Contemporary percussion, dance and lyrics workshops. Over 12 years, excluded youth were nurtured to become community workshop leaders and coordinators of medicinal plant, street library/cinema projects, dance and audiovisual companies, annual festivals and workshop courses in their Community University of the Rivers, to defend the River Tocantins and nurture an eco-village based on eco-pedagogies for sustainable community. This young AfroRaiz Collective is the community sculpture.
Universidad de la Tierra Oaxaca, was born amongst the context of radical reactions against institutional schooling observed in many Indigenous communities. Unitierra is deeply immersed in social change processes and dedicates itself to the exploration and application of life alternatives to modernity and imposed development. Unitierra understands learning as an aspect of daily life that can be cultivated and studying as the joyful and autonomous exercise of the free people. We define our learning and research method as reflection in action. In this webinar session some members of Unitierra's assembly will present the history and present of this initiative.
This session brings together friends affiliated with the Enlivened Cooperative who have been engaging in what we have been referring to as cosmopolitical learning. This refers to the practice of learning with, in between, across and beyond distinct ontologies, especially alongside indigenous teachers and in/from place. Cosmopolitics, first coined by philosopher of science Isabelle Stengers (2005), is a concept intended as an antidote, a slowing down, to the practices and processes of the ontological commitments characteristic of modernity. This opens the possibility of engaging with the cosmos as not a predetermined entity already named and described according to particular disciplinary methods and epistemologies, but rather as messy, plural and becoming, open to other ways of knowing and being in relationship with. At the same, cosmopolitics brings into focus how non-human actors, such as mountains, forests, rivers and others are also subjects and political beings who ought to be included into the constitutional arrangements of how we order our world.